Do you struggle to get to physiotherapy appointments because you work in the city or work late? Do you have a condition that does not allow you to get to our clinic? Are you currently in self isolation due to COVID-19?
If the answer to any of these is YES, then you may want to take advantage of our NEW Telehealth Service.
We will provide an online consultation through the PhysiApp video call platform. All the usual parts of a face to face consultation will still apply (except any hands on treatment).
For a new consultation, we will ask you questions about your pain or condition, perform an assessment where we may ask you to move or perform certain tasks and then provide you with a plan for the management of your rehabilitation. Once that plan is agreed to then we will provide the advice, recommendations and exercises to get your rehabilitation started.
For continuing physiotherapy management your Telehealth consultation will allow you to progress your rehabilitation.
Your exercise program can be shown to you during the consultation and you can perform the exercises so we can see that you are doing them correctly. You will get your exercise program via the PhysiApp App and we can also send you a soft copy via email.
If you need any extra equipment like Theraband, weights, etc we can get those delivered to you so you can start your exercise program.
Obviously, we cannot provide manual therapy via your Telehealth consultation. You may be able to use equipment such as a spiky ball or foam roller to get some manual therapy.
However, research is showing that Telehealth services are just as effective as Face to Face consultations and in some instances may actually be more effective as the patient has greater input into management of their condition.
Contact Winston Hills Physiotherapy Centre on 02 9838 8449 to book a Telehealth consultation.
We will send you a welcome email with some information on Telehealth and our Patient Registration Form
Download the PhysiApp App from either the Google Play Store or the App Store
Be ready for your online consultation at your appointment time
We expect to have more information early next week and have our Telehealth Services starting on Monday 23rd March.
If you would like any more information please do not hesitate to contact us either by calling 02 9838 8449 or mark@winstonhillsphysio.com.au