Happy New Year from all of us at Winston Hills Physio.
No doubt many people have made resolutions to keep in the New Year. Many have already been knocked don the head with New Year excesses. What about some things that you can do to make 2023 better in terms of your health and wellbeing? They don't need to be difficult to do or complex, or take up lots of time. Everyone can do these simple things and help themselves.

Sit less - one thing we have seen in the clinic over COVID is the negative effect that prolonged and excessive sitting has on people's health. Working from home, not getting out and doing incidental exercise have contributed to increased rates of back and neck pain, repetitive strain injuries and weight gain. So get up and move around more regularly during the day - you will be surprised that you are actually more productive.
Find a physical activity that you enjoy - exercise is one of the keys to a healthy lifestyle, but unless you actually enjoy the activity, you probably won't keep doing it long term. Not everyone has to go to the gym, run marathons or do Pilates to stay fit - you just need to do something you enjoy!!
Drink more water - do you get your 8 cups per day? Staying hydrated helps your physical performance, improves energy levels and brain function and can aid weight loss
Get that niggly pain or stiffness seen to - pain is one of the main reasons why people don't do the exercise that they should. Come see one of our physio team and they will help relieve that niggle and allow you to start your exercise program with our fear of aggravating something
Start off slowly - the other thing we have seen during COVID is that some people started exercising - far too much compared to what they had done previously - and ended up with an overuse injury. So, when you start exercising, start off slowly and build up gradually
Get enough sleep - the benefits of getting enough sleep far outweigh the benefits of staying up watching the late movie. Less illness, weight control, lower risk of heart disease and diabetes, and improving your mood are among the benefits of improved sleep.

Don’t do it alone
Ask your local Winston Hills physio how we can support you in achieving your new year’s resolutions. You don’t need to undertake your 2023 health and fitness goals alone. Our physiotherapists are movement and exercise specialists specialising in pain reduction, rehabilitation and personalised programs; think of your physio as a pain doctor. If you have had difficulty achieving your physical goals before, speaking to your physio may be the missing piece of the puzzle, we can help with:
Showing you the safe and correct form and exercising with good technique
Undertaking a detailed physical assessment prior to starting an exercise program
Identifying, setting, tracking and altering SMART goals as needed
Creating a bespoke exercise program for you including gym, hydrotherapy or just something to do at home
Providing injury prevention techniques and ergonomic tips
Recommending appropriate footwear, braces and supports
Give yourself the best chance of achieving your 2023 health and fitness goals by joining forces with your local physio to create a fully tailored plan designed for you. Call or email Winston Hills Physio to book in for your New Year’s personalised program and goal setting session.